I have been waiting its invitation for couple months.
Finally I got it today.
You may not heard about this wonderful software b4.
Let me shortly introduce Skitch here~very very short!
It is a software letting you easily snap, draw and share photos.
But currently you just can get it by other's invitation.
(I got mine because I registered to test it several months ago.)
Please have a look there, you'll find a introducing movie there.

I have introduced Jing few days ago.
It's like Skitch, but it is free and will be always free,
you will have to buy Skitch in the future.
Today some software release their updates,
just like the photo above, WoW released its updates again.
By the way, Microsoft Office 2004 released its 11.3.8 update yesterday.
So go to update them now~Ciao!